I've been helping Amanda get a job lately.
She is our P.R. person. Meaning, she is the one who is mainly supposed to be speaking with you guys.
While I mainly concentrate on code and answer emails when they get far too technical for her to answer.
Because of this, I feel like I have neglected newgrounds and my testers a bit.
I still reply to EVERYTHING. But as far as me personally seeking you out when we have updates...
I have been unable to follow through with that.
When Amanda finally gets a part time job, you may be hearing more from her.
But right now, I don't want to over-extend her by making her work on a project that we don't even know will be a monitary success or not.
P.S. Beta 8, which tests out some enemy designs, will be out in a bit.
You may have to delete your internet history to get it to work.
Flash is weird like that... F5 will not save you!
Unless it is F5 in internet explorer. Beause flash has some weird relationship/dependency with IE.
(Even if you use firefox or chrome or whatever. It is weird.)
I am ranting now. Goodnight/Goodday!
(-John Mark)
Good luck!
Thanks! Looks like she will have a job by the end of the month.
(-John Mark)