We are still working on Atomic Alice! Here are screen shots of the BG work.
More info about this in our blog post:
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Posted by MakeGamesHappen - April 22nd, 2015
We are still working on Atomic Alice! Here are screen shots of the BG work.
More info about this in our blog post:
OMG came here looking for DontTazeMeBro, but found THESE BEAUTIFUL SCREENSHOTs of the AA background instead! oh my goodness! they look SO GOOD, they could be the FOREGROUNd, and just take out the platforms! know what I mena? these are luscious nad juicy in all the right places!
Glad you like them. I made those ones after coding thousands of lines over 2 weeks to create the editor for it. My level designer is a better artist than me and you should be seeing even more awesome stuff soon!
-John Mark
sorry to comment again, but , it just... these backgrounds are so rich, they could work for a story driven sidescroll rpg, do you get what I'm saying? they are that good and inspirational. ..and I have played a LOT... of quality rpgs. lol
My favorite RPGs are EarthBound and ChronoTrigger.
-John Mark
Earthbound and Chrono Trigger, huh? mmm wanted to play Earthbound, but never got it. CT, though.. one of my all-time favorites up there with Alundra, Breath of Fire series, Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia... ah, good times.
Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia were good.
Been a long time since I played those.
-John Mark
Great job! Really nice backgrounds.
PS: your inbox is full so I can't reply to your message :)
Ooooooh... That explains a lot!
-John Mark
Cat's on keyboard?
-John Mark