A neat little game here. :3
-John Mark
A neat little game here. :3
-John Mark
Unique idea and instantly got it without having to read instructions.
This is the kind of game design I like.
-John Mark
Was this AS2 or AS3?
-John Mark
I am here to cancel out the other guy's 0-stars.
Do you visit WonderFL . NET ?
These space invaders look very familiar.
-John Mark
I am really liking the coin collecting in this game.
This reminds me a lot of an NES game called Guerrilla Wars.
Make this controllable with a keyboard, and you'll have something here.
As it gets into more demanding puzzles, a lot of it is more me fighting with the mouse than
me not knowing what to do.
If it were arrow keys to move over one grid space, and rotate by pressing another button. I think it would be really cool.
-John Mark
Thank you for your response!
You have a good point there. I added the arrow key controls and updated the game. Looking forward to more feedback and thank you for playing.
Really like the art style and commentary included in this game!
I got a bit confused and quit on the level where my coffee is stuck inside the ground.
-John Mark
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Joined on 10/28/13